Journal of Environmental Hydrology
ISSN 1058-3912

Electronic Journal of the International Association for Environmental Hydrology

JEH Volume 18 (2010), Paper 19    Posted October 27, 2010

A.G. Bobba
P.A. Chambers
J. Spoelstra

Environment Canada, National Water Research Institute, Burlington, Ontario, Canada

The interaction of groundwater with surface water is an important process for maintaining ecosystems. The hyporheic zone, the transition region between stream and subsurface water, represents an important interface between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. When subsurface water interacts with stream water in this zone, the characteristics of each are blended and new gradients are established, especially for contaminants. Groundwater-surface water interaction affects the ecology of surface water by sustaining streamflow during periods of low flow, moderating water level fluctuations of groundwater, surface water, and maintaining wetlands which serve as habitat for a myriad of wildlife. The interaction also helps stabilize stream water temperature as well as the concentrations of nutrients and other organic / inorganic compounds. The variability in physical and chemical characteristics between upwelling and downwelling zones influences the local ecology within the zone. With the growing demand for sustainable management and utilization of natural resources, a better understanding of all components of the ecosystem, such as the linkage between groundwater and surface water, becomes imperative. The evolving study of the hyporheic zone function will necessitate an increase in basic research into hydraulic considerations, an identification of regional representative sites with contaminated hyporheic zones, and a better understanding of the ecology of the species within the zone. This article is therefore intended to review fundamental concepts of ecohydrology of the interaction of groundwater with surface water in semiarid flood plains, and discuss the relevance of this interaction to the sustainable management of water resources in watersheds.

Reference: Bobba, A.G., P.A. Chambers, and J. Spoelstra. 2010. Environmental impacts in arid and semiarid floodplains. Journal of Environmental Hydrology, Vol. 18, Paper 19.
A.G. Bobba
Environment Canada
National water Research Institute
Burlington, ON, L7R 4A6


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